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Why Is My Hair Falling Out? 10 Causes of Hair Loss
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Why Is My Hair Falling Out? 10 Causes of Hair Loss

Both men and women shed some hair every day; this is normal. However, some people experience more significant amounts, and this can cause stress and concern.

While we may commonly associate hair loss with male pattern baldness or cancer treatments, there are other causes people are less familiar with. Here are 10 of them:

Anagen Effluvium

Hair growth goes through a cycle called the anagen phase. Anagen effluvium is the condition of hair falling out from the head and sometimes eyebrows and eyelashes as well. Common causes for this include autoimmune diseases, chemotherapy, radiation, and fungal infections.

Telogen Effluvium

This occurs when hair gets “stuck” in the shedding phase of the growth cycle and continues to shed in greater amounts. Childbirth, rapid weight loss, stress, surgery, thyroid problems, and some medications can cause this. Usually, it’s temporary and goes away on its own.

Alopecia Areata

This is an autoimmune condition where the immune system is attacking hair follicles, causing hair to suddenly fall out in small chunks. A doctor must treat this and may be able to prescribe medicines that will help hair regrow.

Androgenetic Alopecia

This is the technical term for male or female pattern baldness. It’s genetic and very common. Topical medications can sometimes spur regrowth, as can hair transplants.

Traction Alopecia

This one is actually self-inflicted, resulting from pulling hair into tight hairstyles, causing it to loosen and break. Hairstyles associated with this include braids, buns, cornrows, extensions, and ponytails.

Birth Control

Birth control pills, implants, and skin patches affect hormones, and some women experience hair loss while using them or several months after they stop taking them. One remedy is to seek pills with a low androgen index, which reduces the risk of hair loss.


A side effect of some medications is that hair can fall out. Examples include antidepressants, beta-blockers, blood thinners, and cholesterol-lowering drugs. It may not be an option to stop using medication for a condition, but it might be possible to reduce the dosage or switch to a different brand less likely to cause hair loss.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Diets too low in protein or vitamins such as iron can sometimes lead to excessive shedding of hair. If you suspect that hair loss you’re experiencing could be diet-related, see a doctor to get tested for a nutritional deficiency.


Shortly after giving birth, some women experience hair loss as a result of lower estrogen levels. This is temporary and should correct itself within a year, but you may be able to accelerate it with volumizing shampoos and conditioners and using products designed for fine hair.


This fungal infection can cause temporary bald spots when on the head. Signs include itchy, scaly, or red patches of scalp; oozing blisters; brittle hair; and ringlike patches outlined in red. This should go away when the infection does, but if it doesn’t, see a doctor for an antibiotic or antifungal medicine.

Experiencing Hair Loss? Visit Dr. Zandifar!

If you’re experiencing hair loss, you might be a candidate for a hair transplant. At ZMDHair, Dr. Zandifar can perform hair transplants that lead to natural restoration and hair growth. He knows the effect thinning hair can have on confidence and self-esteem and can help you find a permanent remedy.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Zandifar today!

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